Operations and Policy Manual








Revision Number: 19

Effective Date: 010225





Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir Virtual Airlines, LibertyAir Virtual Airlines and any of its subsidiaries are in no way affiliated with any real world airline, past or present. We are a non-profit group of flight simulator enthusiasts simulating airline operations.




From: Management Team, Liberty Air Group


To: All Liberty Air Group Members


Subject: Liberty Air Group Operations and Policy Manual


A. INTRODUCTION - The staff and management of Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir Virtual Airlines (herein after known as "FreedomAir") and LibertyAir Virtual Airlines (herin after known as "LibertyAir") are dedicated to enhancing the experience of flight simulator enthusiasts by providing a practical and realistic simulation of real world airline operations.


We know that everyone flies for different reasons. Some enjoy the hobby, others are in it for the hard-core simulation of flying an airplane and others may use it as a training platform to enhance their real world flying skills. Regardless of their reason for choosing to fly with Liberty Air Group, we endeavor to give our pilots the resources they need to get the most out of their experience.


This manual is designed to help you learn about the operations and procedures that govern our day-to-day operations. Every effort has been made to ensure that this manual contains useful and applicable information. In the event that any of these policies are unclear or an item is not addressed specifically, please contact Staff for further assistance.


The diverse nature of our operation prevents this manual from addressing every unique situation that may arise. Ultimately, your success as a virtual pilot with Liberty Air Group will depend on a mixture of acceptable practices, sound judgment and common sense.


B. APPLICABILITY - The policies and procedures outlined in this manual are applicable to all Liberty Air Group pilots. Acceptance into our organization and use of its systems signify your agreement to review and abide by the guidelines set forth in this document. This manual may be revised from time-to-time. All personnel will be informed when a new revision is imminent. Executive Staff is responsible for the maintenance of this manual. Any changes to this manual shall be approved by the President/CEO prior to implementation.


C. CANCELLATION - This document shall remain in effect until a new/revised manual has been put in place.


Liberty Air Group Management Team

Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir Virtual Airlines, LibertyAir Virtual Airlines



Table of Contents



1.     General Information

1.1    Legal Information and Disclosure

1.2    Corporate Leadership Structure

1.3    Liberty Air Group Hubs (Domiciles)


2.     Mission Statement


3.     Membership

3.1    Application Guidelines

3.2    Rehires and Inactivity

3.3    Hub Transfer Request

3.4    Leave of Absence

3.5    Transfer Hours from other VA's


4.     Pilot Ranks and Privileges


5.     Flight Assignments and Routes

5.1    Pilots

5.2    Route Privileges


6.     Code of Conduct

6.1    General Conduct

6.2    Company Website, Forums, Resources, Etc.

6.3    Other Websites, Forums, Social Media, VATSIM, Etc.


7.     Operations

7.1    Pilot Currency

7.2    ACARS Usage

7.3    Scheduled Routes

7.4    Accelerated Flight Time



1.     General Information


FreedomAir Virtual Airlines was  named in honor of the many men and women who tragically lost their lives in the attacks on September 11, 2001, and the many heroes that have since responded to the call of duty. We aim to keep their memories alive.



            1.1 Legal Information and Disclosure


                   1.1.1 Real World Affiliation and Copyrights

Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir Virtual Airlines (also known as "FreedomAir"), LibertyAir Virtual Airlines (also known as "LibertyAir")  and any of its subsidiaries  are in no way affiliated with or endorsed by any real world airline, past or present. We are not a real world airline; we do not hire people for real world employment positions or have any physical office space. Liberty Air Group exists solely to provide an enjoyable experience to users of Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D and X-Plane. All material published on our website is to be used for flight simulation purposes only and shall not, under any circumstances, be used for real world aviation purposes.


The Liberty Air Group website is not for use in any commercial purpose, Liberty Air Group is a not-for-profit organization that does not generate any income for its members or owners. Any reference to Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir Virtual Airlines, FreedomAir, LibertyAir Virtual Airlines and/or LibertyAir refers to the aforementioned entities, whether listed individually or in any combination. The names "Liberty Air Group", "FreedomAir" and "LibertyAir" may be used interchangeably in this document, throughout our website and in any/all conversations (whether written or spoken).


1.1.2 Liberty Air Group Copyright Statement

No part of any Liberty Air Group website shall be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means (electronic or otherwise). Any such act represents copyright infringement and theft of intellectual property solely owned by Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir Virtual Airlines and/or LibertyAir Virtual Airlines. Liberty Air Group includes the websites of FreedomAir Virtual Airlines (www.FreedomAir.us), LibertyAir Virtual Airlines (www.LibertyAirVA.com) and any other entities we may add at a future date. These websites will always reference Liberty Air Group in addition to their individual names.


1.2 Corporate Leadership Structure


The Liberty Air Group leadership structure is designed to distinguish the responsibilities of each staff member. We will be operating with a small corporate staff. Currently, we have five staff positions, as follows.


·         Founder - The individual with the vision to start FreedomAir.

·         President/CEO - Directly responsible for the continued development and administrative oversight of the organization. Leads the Management Team charged with developing policies and procedures, and is responsible for strategic planning of goals, objectives and operations within the organization. Responsible for overseeing the implementation and long-term success of the decisions and programs developed by Staff. In charge of the airline and makes final decisions for the airline. Maintains overall responsibility and authority to hire, suspend, demote and terminate personnel (staff and pilots) and is authorized to hear and determine a course of action on all personnel matters. Works directly with the staff concerning all operational issues and policies.

·         Vice President - Pilot Development - Oversees day-to-day management of our pilots, is responsible for newhire induction, multi-player and TeamSpeak server availability. Assists with development and achievement of organizational goals. Promotes policy and code of conduct compliance. Oversees hiring process of new pilots. Other duties as may be assigned.

·         Vice President - Technology Development - Responsible for maintaining overall functionality and operation of the Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir and LibertyAir website, forums and other site software. Works directly with the CEO to establish and maintain data backup procedures in an effort to ensure continuous availability of all IT systems and applications. In addition, the VP-TD is responsible for additional development projects or programs that involve the website and IT systems. Other duties as may be assigned.

·         Flight Dispatch - Responsible for processing of PIREPs. Interacts directly with pilots in any scheduling issues or concerns.


Others positions may be added as organizational needs arise



1.3    Liberty Air Group Hubs (Domiciles)


                   FreedomAir operates out of nine (9) hubs in the United States

·         Chicago, IL - KMDW and KORD

·         Los Angeles, CA - KLAX

·         New York, NY - KJFK

·         Denver, CO - KDEN

·         Ft. Lauderdale, FL - KFLL

·         Houston, TX - KIAH

·         Phoenix, AZ - KPHX

·         Seattle, WA - KSEA

·         Anchorage, AK - PANC


                        LibertyAir operates out of three (3) hubs in Europe

·         Frankfurt, Germany - EDDF

·         London, England (Heathrow) - EGLL

·         London, England (Stansted) - EGSS





2.     Mission Statement


To provide the community of flight simulator pilots with a virtually realistic environment in which to fly. The only requirements are that you have a love of aviation, and a desire to participate.





3.     Membership


Liberty Air Group does not require new members to have prior virtual aviation experience to join. We do expect new members to have a basic understanding of flight operations and aircraft navigation. New members are also expected to understand the basic functionality of MS Flight Simulator, Prepar3D or X-Plane prior to joining. Members shall have a legally obtained copy of the flight simulator they choose to use while flying with Liberty Air Group.


Liberty Air Group is for use by adults, although it may be used by children. If you are under 18, you may use the Liberty Air Group website only with the involvement of a parent or legal guardian. Liberty Air Group does not knowingly obtain or retain personal information from children under 18. Liberty Air Group operates in compliance with the United States Children's Online Privacy Protection Act(COPPA). This law states that identifiable personal information cannot be collected from minors under the age of thirteen. Under no circumstances will an applicant under the age of sixteen (16) be hired. Persons found falsifying their age will be terminated from Liberty Air Group.


It is the applicant's responsibility to supply truthful, valid information. Members are required to submit and maintain an active, current, valid email address at all times. Members found to have an invalid email account are subject to removal. Liberty Air Group reserves the right to reject any and all applications at our discretion, for any reason, with or without explanation regarding the decision.


All pilots are eligible and encouraged to participate in all online events from day one. This includes the Liberty Air Group forums, TeamSpeak, multi-player servers and any other Liberty Air Group provided resources.


NOTE: Once membership with Liberty Air Group has been confirmed, the member is subject to the Currency requirements outlined in this document. Deviations from the currency requirements require approval of the CEO.



3.1    Application Guidelines


Prospective members may submit an online application for membership via the "Register" link, on the Liberty Air Group website. Applications must be completed in their entirety.


3.2    Rehires and Inactivity


Members who have left the airline voluntarily will be reactivated when filing a PIREP using vmsACARS. Alernately, members can contact us via the "Contact Us" link at https://freedomair.us or via Dicord. Members returning from voluntary leave of less than one year will be reinstated.


Members wishing to return after being terminated for inactivity should use the "Contact Us" link at https://.freedomair.us to start a discussion about reinstatment. Be prepared to outline the reasons behind their inactivity and to confirm their commitment to fulfilling the minimumflight requirements to maintain pilot currency.



          3.3    Hub Transfer Request


Hub Transfers can be requested via "HUB Transfer" link. Please note that you must include a reason for the transfer. Only one (1) hub transfer may be requested every three (3) months. Reassignment to another hub may not be immediately available due to hub staffing requirements.



          3.4    Leave of Absence


Pilots requesting a LOA (Leave of Absence) can do so by contacting a Staff member directly or via Discord. Each LOA can have a duration of 90 days maximum. Please do not wait until you are close to or past currency to request a LOA as we need time to process the request. New hires or re-hires may request a LOA after 2 months of continuous service with Liberty Air Group. Any special requests to deviate from this policy must be submitted to the CEO via Discord PM or personal email.

Please note that individuals requesting LOA for Military Leave or special leave of absence due to elongated emergencies should make the request as above. Please include as much information as possible about your leave, including expected return date and a way to contact you (if needed). We request that you do stay in touch with Staff and/or other members - so that we know how you are doing.



3.5 Transfer Hours from other VA's


Pilots may be given partial credit for previous flight time flown with a recognized virtual airline. Recognition will be based on activity, time flown, and other factors. The amount of transferable hours will be decided on a case-by-case basis and shall not exceed 25 hours. These hours shall be validated with the previous VA. Pilots will provide a valid link and/or contact information so that previous VA service can be verified. If a pilot requests consideration of transfer hours the pilot must PM the CEO via Discord with the required information. Pilots must request transfer hours credit prior to completing one month of service with Liberty Air Group. Requests outside of the one month time limit will not be considered. Pilot flight time from a VA that is acquired by Liberty Air Group will be credited in full at the time of integration into Liberty Air Group.





4.     Pilot Ranks and Privileges


New Hire pilots shall complete one flight from the available flight schedule with a minimum duration of one hour in order to receive a pilot rank.




 Route Privileges/Additions


 Junior Flight Officer

Commuter Routes - US Hubs
European Routes - EU Hubs


 Flight Officer



 First Officer

Domestic Hub Routes (US based pilots)



Series Flights


 Senior Captain



 Commercial First Officer



 Commercial Captain

 Mexico/Central America


Commercial Senior Captain 

Europe (US based pilots)
US (European based pilots)


 Commercial Commander



 Commercial Senior Commander



 ATP First Officer



 ATP Captain



 ATP Senior Captain



 ATP Commander



ATP Senior Commander 


All pilots - regardless of rank - may concurrently fly
the US Capital Tour while flying their scheduled routes. 

NOTE: Each higher rank level still carries the responsibilities
and privileges of all previous rank levels.


5.     Flight Assignments and Routes

All pilots have the opportunity to fly and complete the US Capital Tour during their career at Liberty Air Group. The Capital Tour is a tour of all fifty (50) U.S. State Capitals and Washington, DC. Please contact a Staff member if you are interested. The tour may be flown concurrently with other Liberty Air Group flights. All Capital Tour flights shall be flown in the sequence listed to complete the tour and receive proper credit.


5.1    Pilots - Advancement through the ranks will allow pilots to fly Series Flights, Canadian, Caribbean, Mexico/Central American, European/North American and any other flights that may become available in the future.

All pilots shall depart from their last arrival point for all scheduled flights (this included all flights beginning with "FA" or "LBY" in the scheduled route number). If you departed KORD and arrived at KLAX, your next departure shall be from KLAX. Special exceptions will be considered for Capital Tour (CT) and Tours & Events (FTE) routes. Questions on this policy shall be directed to a Staff member for further information.


5.11    New Hire Pilots


All new pilots will start out with the rank of Junior Flight Officer after completing one flight with a minimum duration of one hour. For US based pilots - the first 25 hours of a new hires career will comprise of commuter routes only (those scheduled routes with turboprop and regional jet aircraft). After the initial 25 hours flight time, US based pilots may fly any route in our US domestic schedule that originates and terminates at their assigned hub (a round-trip flight comprising of 2 flights total). For European based pilots - the first 50 hours of a new hires career will comprise of European routes that originate and terminate at their assigned hub (a round-trip flight comprising 2 flights total).


5.12    Qualified Line Pilots


US based line pilots holding the rank of First Officer or higher are able to fly any routes that their rank qualifies them for, along with routes below their current rank.


All pilots holding the rank of Captain or higher are able to fly Series flights. Series flights may consist of up to twelve (12) scheduled flights from the Liberty Air Group schedule. The last flight in the series shall return to the pilots assigned hub. It is the pilot's responsibility to ensure they are able to fly a scheduled flight to return to their assigned hub on or before their twelfth flight.


5.2    Route Privileges


All route privileges are listed in the Pilot Ranks and Privileges table (see '4' above). If there is a question on whether or not you are qualified to fly a specific scheduled route, ask PRIOR to flying the route. Pilots who fly routes outside of their rank limits will not receive credit for those routes.


NOTE: Each higher rank level still carries the responsibilities
and privileges of all previous rank levels.





6.     Code of Conduct


6.1    General Conduct


We understand that from time to time there may be differences of opinion. While we respect these differences and promote active discussion, the following are classified as unacceptable behavior. Participation in any of the following constitutes violation of the Liberty Air Group Code of Conduct:


·         Use of foul or unsuitable language toward ANY member of the Liberty Air Group community via any means (including forums, PM's, email, Discord, etc.).

·         Defame, abuse, harass, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of others.

·         Publishing, posting, uploading, distributing or disseminating any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, indecent, obscene or unlawful material, topic, name or information to any Liberty Air Group venue (including pornographic or sexual explicit materials).

·         Upload files that contain software or other material protected by intellectual property or privacy laws, unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received any necessary consent in writing.

·         Upload files that contain viruses, corrupted files or other similar programs or software that may damage the operation of another member's computer or any Liberty Air Group venue.

·         Restrict or inhibit any other member from utilizing and enjoying the communication services available through Liberty Air Group and its resources.

·         Harvest or otherwise collect personal/identifiable information about others (including email addresses) without their explicit consent.

·         Hacking or attempting to hack any of Liberty Air Group's online systems or services.

·         Violate any applicable US/local laws or regulations.

·         Willfully initiate, instigate or participate in any political discussions. There are other forums on the web for political discussion, please use them.

·         Advertising of any type, without the express consent written consent of the CEO and Executive Staff.


You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner when using any Liberty Air Group resource or other online service while representing yourself as a member of any Liberty Air Group entity. This can be accomplished by abiding by the Liberty Air Group Code of Conduct. Any violation of the Code of Conduct may result in the suspension and/or termination of your Liberty Air Group accounts and termination of Liberty Air Group membership.


6.2    Company Website, Forums, Resources, Etc.


6.2.1 Forums


The forums are a place for friendly discussion, debate and making new friends. They are not the place for inappropriate or aggressive arguments of any sort. Any persons found to be engaging in aggressive/inappropriate behavior on the forum will be subject to code of conduct violation.


6.2.2 Discord


All members of Liberty Air Group are welcome and encouraged to utilize Discord. Push-to-talk is required for all users of Discord. During your chatting and discussion on Discord, you are expected to respect all members participating in the discussion. We encourage free thought and expression (you may discuss your own personal views), but know when to stop. Comments classified as derogatory to any group of people, including but not limited to race, sexual orientation, political/religious affiliation and/or nationality will not be tolerated. Harassment, name-calling, spamming, constant channel switching, etc. will not be tolerated. Always be positive, friendly and helpful.


If your conversation is limited to only certain members connected to the server, you should move to another (private) channel. In needed, ask Staff to create a new channel.


If you are unable to follow the rules on Discord, you will be warned, kicked from a channel or banned from the server entirely for a period of time. That time period will vary depending of the nature of the offense.


Abusing server privileges will result in an immediate suspension.


6.2.3 Other Liberty Air Group Resources


Use of other Liberty Air Group resources (automated ACARS client, multi-player, site hosted chat, etc.) which are available or may become available to members shall carry the same code of conduct rules as outlined in sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 above.


6.3 Other Websites, Forums, Social Media, VATSIM, Etc.


Liberty Air Group is committed to promoting a positive environment within the VA and in the general virtual flying community in all forms of media. It is imperative for all of us to act in a manner that reflects positively on ourselves and that does not bring undue or unjust criticism on Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir or LibertyAir.

Like any other organization in today’s technological world, Liberty Air Group has found a need to set some guidelines and rules for the use of social media and other forms of media used by Liberty Air Group, whether offered through third-party providers, or Liberty Air Group itself. This media has been created for promoting our VAs and to help with information sharing, training and to build a sense of community. In an effort to maintain a professional and comfortable environment for pilots of all ages and backgrounds, we are asking for your cooperation and compliance with the following:

6.3.1 Facebook

- The
Facebook pages has been restricted to active pilots only.
- Please do not post any pictures, links or make any comments that may reflect poorly on you, or bring undue and unjust criticism of Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir and/or LibertyAir.
- Please limit the nature of the Facebook page for the promotion of our shared hobby and interests



6.3.2 Other Websites, Forums, VATSIM, IVAO, Etc.


When using sources outside of Liberty Air Group, please adhere to the code of conduct stated above. Present a professional attitude when discussing or representing Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir and/or LibertyAir. It is permissible to advertise for Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir and/or LibertyAir elsewhere, as long as that site allows it, you provide a direct link to "http://www.FreedomAir.us" or "http://www.LibertyAirVA.com" and post in our forums or on Discord indicating the location (provide a link) of where you advertised.



6.3.3 Participation with outside VA’s

- There is NO restriction on pilots being a pilot here and with another VA.
- Pilots with this VA can be on staff at another VA.
- Staff at Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir and/or LibertyAir can not be on staff at another VA.
- Recruiting pilots from Liberty Air Group, FreedomAir and/or LibertyAir to another VA is strictly prohibited.




7.     Operations


          7.1    Pilot Currency


You must fly at least one Liberty Air Group approved scheduled route every 45 days using our automated ACARS system (vmsACARS) to maintain your currency (one-way, not round-trip).

New or re-hired (returning) members must file their first report within 14 days of hire using kACARSII. Failure to do so will result in termination for inactivity without notice. Special exceptions may apply if the member contacts Flight Dispatch and receives an extension.


We are aware that there are “non-virtual” schedules to be maintained. We do ask that you remain in “Active” status on the roster. Apart from that, YOU determine how often you fly.




          7.2    ACARS Usage


All scheduled flights shall be flown using the vmsACARS program and submitted automatically to the Liberty Air Group website.

Flight Dispatch will not approve a manual fight unless there is some specific reason listed in your submitted flight report (in the comments section). If your computer crashes, flight sim stops working or some other reason - list it. Do not make a habit of filing manual reports. If we see a string of manual flights, we hope that you will contact Staff for technical support. If we see a string of manual reports without any reasons, those PIREPs will be rejected. Again, please do not make a habit of manual reports. If you need help with the vmsACARS software or anything site related, contact a Staff member for technical support.


Also note that vmsACARS can recover your flight if your sim crashes, you lose electrical power, etc. You must be within 15 miles of your last position in the sim for vmsACARS to resume your flight.



7.3    Scheduled Flights


7.3.1   Aircraft Usage


·         Pilots shall use the aircraft type specified in the scheduled flight. Any aircraft used outside of this policy will result in the PIREP being rejected.

·         Pilots are responsible for selecting an aircraft with sufficient range and shall load adequate fuel to safely reach their destination or alternate airport, including holding patterns. Landing at intermediate points for refueling or in-flight refueling is not permitted.

·         If the pilot determines that the specified aircraft is unable to complete the selected flight segment safely, the pilot shall notify Staff via Discord PM or email - prior to commencing the flight - for further instructions.

·         Reserved


            7.3.2   Altitude Assignments


·         Pilots shall climb to the cruising altitude listed in the flight schedule for the specified route. Alternately, pilot shall climb to the cruising altitide listed in the SimBrief OFP. Use of realistic cruise altitudes in mandatory.

·         Flights are created to reflect a realistic cruise altitude for the aircraft type used on each route segment.

·         Submitted PIREP's that do not indicate the flight attained TOC (Top of Climb) will be rejected.

·         Pilots may, at their choosing, fly at an altitude higher than listed in the schedule. Also, once TOC is attained, pilots may elect to descend to a lower cruising altitude to take better advantage of winds aloft. If descending to a lower than scheduled cruising altitude (after TOC is attained), pilots are reminded to use an altitude appropriate for the aircraft type being used.



7.4    Accelerated Flight Time


Use of Accelerated Flight (increased sim rate) shall adhere to the following policy

1.      Use of accelerated flight time is optional - the maximum rates shown below are mandatory

2.      Pushback at departure gate to TOC (Top of Climb) = 1x

3.      TOD (Top of Descent) to engine shutdown at arrival gate = 1x

4.      Total scheduled flight time 2 hours or less = 1x

5.      Total scheduled flight time greater than 2 hours up to 4 hours = up to 2x maximum

6.      Total scheduled fight time greater than 4 hours = up to 4x maximum

7.      Use of accelerated flight time shall be limited to level cruise flight only

8.      PIREPs submitted that do not meet the above listed standards will be rejected

Note: If you choose to use accelerated flight time, you will only receive hour's credit for the actual real time it took to complete the flight, not the sim hours. So, if the flight took 6 hours in sim time, but you flew it in 4 hours real time (because you used accelerated flight time), you will receive 4 hours credit in the PIREP system. This is hard-coded into the vmsACARS program.



8.     Reserved for future use

